The city is seeing a spike in cases of conjunctivitis, fungal infections and vector-borne diseases, Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said on Tuesday, adding that hospitals in Delhi have been alerted about the same.
He attributed the rise in the cases to the high humidity levels. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) on Tuesday issued guidelines asking teachers to be vigilant in recognising symptoms of conjunctivitis after some teachers reported a spike in such cases in the municipal-run schools.
The symptoms may include redness in the eyes, excessive tearing, itchiness, and eye. Teachers have also been asked to encourage students to practice good hygiene habits, and refrain students from touching eyes, face, or common surfaces with unwashed hands.
According to an MCD report, over 180 cases of dengue were reported in the city as of Tuesday, exceeding an all-time high in five years from January 1 to July 22. The report also recorded 61 cases of malaria and 14 of chikungunya.