In Delhi, cases of conjunctivitis are on the rise. Doctors are witnessing 100 cases every day. Doctors told PTI that the new eye infection with red eyes can be called the ‘new COVID like epidemic’ because it is a “viral infection (eye flu)”. Check out how conjunctivitis spread across India:
What are the first signs of conjunctivitis?
Patients with conjunctivitis usually feel itchiness or irritation in the eye, which turns red or pink. Other symptoms include watering, pain, and swelling of eyelids. There is usually a sticky discharge from the eyes. In severe cases, patients can have intense swelling and can not open the infected eye.
Who are mostly affected?
Doctors at both government and private hospitals told PTI they have been receiving cases largely from the younger population in the city. It is not sight-threatening but needs professional advice, they said. People from Longding district in Arunachal Pradesh have to order the temporary closure of schools following the outbreak of conjunctivitis.
How conjunctivitis spreads?
Conjunctivitis is “highly contagious” and can easily spread through contact or touch. If someone with conjunctivitis touches any surface, it gets contaminated and when the other person touches it and then touches eyes, he or she is also then affected.
What are the three causes of conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis viruses can easily spread during Monsoon, as it is a perfect breeding season for bacteria to multiply because of heat, humidity and waterlogging. Conjunctivitis can also be caused by allergic reactions to pollen, cosmetics, or other materials.
Can conjunctivitis be cured?
Yes, doctors advise washing hands with soap and water to decrease the spread of infection. Conjunctivitis is a “self-limiting infection” and an individual’s immunity plays an important role in how fast he or she gets healed, the doctor told PTI.Antibiotic eye drops, eye ointments, topical decongestants, lubricants, and some oral anti-allergic can help cure conjunctivitis. Cold compression on the eye through ice packs, can also provide relief to the patients.
What is the best cure for conjunctivitis?
The best cure for the infection is not touching your eyes or coming in contact with an infected person. Doctors have also recommended 3-5 days of isolation for school children in case of infection.
How do you prevent conjunctivitis?
To prevent the further spread of the disease, the health authorities have recommended frequent hand washing, avoiding touching eyes, personal hygiene, disinfecting surfaces, and isolating infected individuals.
(inputs from agencies)