AbbVie explores the emotional side of rare chronic cancer in ongoing CLL video series

When fam­i­ly doc­tor Bri­an Koff­man found some bumps on the back of his neck, he ran some tests on him­self. Every­thing checked out ex­cept his white blood cell count, which was ex­treme­ly high. With­in a week, he was di­ag­nosed with chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia (CLL), but even as a physi­cian him­self, he still had a lot to learn about the rare blood can­cer.

That’s one of the rea­sons why he and his wife found­ed the CLL So­ci­ety, and why he’s work­ing with Ab­b­Vie to make sure new and ex­ist­ing pa­tients can ac­cess in­for­ma­tion, treat­ment op­tions and qual­i­ty care.

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